The GOLD Level 2 QEUV product (see Correira et al 2021 for details) is a dayside disk data product, derived from the GOLD Level 1 DAY measurement mode. QEUV provides a measure of the solar EUV energy flux from 1 to 45 nm into the upper atmosphere. This spectral range provides the ionizing radiation which ultimately results in FUV airglow emission produced by photodissociation and photoelectron impact.
GOLD Daily Average QEUV
Since QEUV is useful as a proxy for the incident EUV (1 to 45-nm) solar radiation at Earth, we are providing a GOLD Daily Average QEUV, which is calculated from the GOLD Level 2 QEUV product throughout each day. The file below contains the GOLD Daily Average QEUV from Oct 5, 2018 through Oct 21, 2023 in NetCDF format:
Relationship between QEUV and F10.7
The standard F10.7 solar index is a measurement of the 10.7cm (2800 MHz) radio flux from the sun and is frequently used as a proxy for the of EUV and FUV solar irradiance incident upon thermosphere and ionosphere. The figure below (see Greer et al 2025 for details) shows the relationship between QEUV and F10.7 and includes equations to convert between the two. Note that this relationship is linear only until approximately F10.7=200.