
Links to info about GOLD Data

  • GOLD data updates
  • Current data product versions (with released dates)
  • GOLD data rights and rules
  • GOLD data documentation (updated 5/20/2024)
  • Subscribe to be notified of the latest versions of GOLD data
  • Tutorial on GOLD data access and usage (WHPI Show and Tell)
  • GOLD data (including Level 1B) is also available from NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF):

  • Typical sizes for one day of data:

    L1C DAY:  6 GB
    L1C LIM:  500 MB
    L1C OCC:  80 MB
    L1C NI1:  1.5 GB
    L1D ALL:  150 MB

    Select a date range and data product to search for.  Results will show as links below.  Click link to download the tar file.

    Start Date:

    End Date:

    For CHB NI1 data from 12/15/18 to 3/15/19