Earth’s Shining Upper Atmosphere — From the Apollo Era to the Present
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Compare views of Earth's shining ionosphere: the Apollo 16 photo taken in 1972 is at left, and an image from GOLD data visualization is at right. The perspectives differ slightly because while the Apollo photo...
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![Apollo 16 UV image comparison with GOLD UV image](https://gold.cs.ucf.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/apollovsgold-300x158.jpg)
First Release of Data from GOLD
GOLD Captures Its First Image of the Earth
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Shown here is the “first light” image of ultraviolet atomic oxygen emission (135.6 nm wavelength) from the Earth’s upper atmosphere captured by NASA’s GOLD instrument. It was taken at approximately 6 a.m. local time, near sunrise in eastern South America. The colors correspond to...
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